Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snow day

The snow from the blizzard almost two weeks ago has melted. It went away pretty fast considering how much we received. This storm was different because the wind came out of the northeast instead of the typical northwest. That changed the drift patterns dramatically.

Here's the road leading into town, with my footsteps on the right returning from the drift:

A closer look at the drift blocking the road:

Icicles hanging from one of the Habitat homes:

The sun tried to peak through late on Sunday. I live in the building in the left-center:

The camper out back:

The sun reflecting off of the church:

And a bonus shot, taken during the first (I think) of the three recent blizzards:

With several days of sunshine and temperatures in the upper 60s forecasted next week and a soaking rain today, Mother Nature should come out of hibernation quickly. Everything has been brown since my arrival, so this place should take on a whole new appearance shortly. The grass is already turning green. Spring is coming!

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