Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wrong medium?

I haven't written a lot on here lately. It's not because nothing has been going on. Rather, there have been noteworthy events, just ones I can't or don't want to share online. It makes me wish I had started an old-fashioned journal instead. The further I've proceeded into my term of service, the more ridiculous the stories have become. There's no way I can spin them without crossing the line of turning a professional situation into something personal.

The issue I'm struggling with is the decision of whether to keep my head down and not make waves for my remaining three months, or continue to serve as the voice of reason and, subsequently, as a punching bag.

The level of deliberate deceit betrayed at a meeting this evening was astounding. The resulting pressure inside my head made me think my skull was going to explode. How can I present reason in the face of lies?

All of this is incredibly vague, I know. Ask me about all this in person sometime. Well, maybe wait until after I leave. I'll need some time to digest and reflect, that's for sure.

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