Tuesday, August 10, 2010

From my beard to the rodeo - and everything in between!

I don't know what it is about the month of August the past several years, but it has been the month where I've decided to shake up (i.e. become lazy with) my shaving routine. And that means it's beard season! I finally got around to shaving my neck tonight, so I no longer look like I've been living in the woods. We'll see how long the facial hair lasts this time.


There has (finally) been some weather here in Boise lately to break the California-like monotony. Storms rolled through last night. Not much rain, but a good amount of lightning. And a quick shower fell this afternoon, just enough for that damp smell to blow in through the windows. Very, very nice. If one is to believe the forecast, the temperature won't reach 80 tomorrow. Hot, sunny weather returns this weekend, however.


I've had the strangest urge this week to visit the ocean. A very strong urge that won't go away. Maybe the sun is getting to me, who knows. I never felt like this in South Dakota, where I was about as far away from an ocean as one can get in North America. My summer class ends this week, with a week off before fall semester starts. A trip may be in the works.


The last week of class means it is final exam time. It was a quick five weeks and I have loved it. The two things I have going for me as the curriculum progresses are 1.) I write well, thank goodness, and 2.) I'm in the right program at the right school for me. The class has definitely been a lot work though. So much work, in fact, that I'm glad I'm not employed at the moment. I've been able to devote all of my energy to this introductory course. Well, and to running too.


Turkey jerky is like crack for me. It. Is. So. Delicious. But loaded in sodium, unfortunately. So, since I can't refrain from buying the two-bag pack from Costco and I'm freaked out about hereditary high blood pressure, I'm going cold turkey (jerky, haha). But what to do with the two bags I have left in the cabinet...


I've been listening to the new Arcade Fire album, "The Suburbs." Not bad. It can't compare to "Funeral" (What will?), but is superior to "Neon Bible."


And break out the western wear, it's rodeo time! The Owyhee County Fair and Rodeo begins tomorrow in Homedale. I'll head out there Saturday night for the final night of rodeo. That's typically when you see the best of the best. Steer wrestling is my favorite event. But it's also fun to watch the youngsters mutton bustin'. Really, it's all a blast.

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