Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fun with maps

I'm having a blast in my GIS class. I love maps and I'm a data junkie. ArcGIS brings both together. Heaven on Earth.

I thought I'd share a map I put together recently for an assignment. Can you locate the reservations?

Any fool knows, or can at least guess, that north is up in this map. But the professor is a fan of the north arrow. Thus, as Westley from "The Princess Bride" was wont to say, "As you wish."

What I'm especially stoked about is my final project. I'll be looking at how the regional and statewide suicide rates in Alaska have changed over the past decade in relation to the amount of suicide-prevention funding the state has provided during that same time period to cities, villages, school districts, and non-profits.

And this isn't the only class where I'm using Alaskan subject matter for a final project. I did choose an Idaho topic (disparities in state funding of higher education), though, for my group's final paper in the third class. Wait, actually, someone else picked that; I just tagged along. But even with that one, I have an Alaska analogy.

I probably should focus more on Idaho since I do live here. But really, why? It's just so vanilla here. Yes, yes, Boise is a perfectly lovely place. And I've raved about the trails. That being said, it really can't compare to the reservation and to Alaska.

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