Tuesday, July 6, 2010


It's possible I've been overdoing things with my trail running over the past week. I returned home from this morning's run with the biggest, gnarliest blister I've not only ever had myself, but ever seen on a human being. It was on my left heel. I wouldn't say it hurt, but it was uncomfortable walking on it throughout the day.

So, this evening, I drained it. It's a good thing I had tissues handy because there were copious amounts of warm blister juice waiting to gush into the slit I had cut. I'm all bandaged up now. I still plan to run tomorrow. The joy of being a toe runner...

I was going to take and post photos; however, I think my words provide enough of a visual.


Amy said...

You and your blister popping!

Brian said...

I wasn't going to do it because I thought popping it would make it impossible to walk on. But I took a chance. And now I'm going out for my run!