Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Game on

I did it. I signed up for a half marathon on the 23rd. It actually makes perfect sense, except for having to pay the increased registration fee for signing up so late. Typically, I like to have at least one long run (10-13 miles) under my belt a couple weeks prior to running a half marathon before I taper down. Nine miles was as long as it got before Sunday. And I didn't just taper down; I downright stopped running.

But Sunday's race can be considered a warm up for the next race, for sure. I'll certainly get some runs in before now and the 23rd. I got out this afternoon for a trail run and felt pretty good considering I was still a bit sore. (I'm getting old, apparently.) And I'm going to look into new shoes this week. With my increased mileage since moving to Boise, I probably should have replaced my current pair sooner. Taking a gander at the soles after this afternoon's run, two things were evident: 1.) The treads are nearly gone, and 2.) it's easy to tell I'm a toe runner.

This weekend, I'll take a drive down out to the desert south of town to check out the course. The route description on the race website says something about a beautiful canyon. I need to see just how severe this canyon is and mentally prepare for it.

Eleven days...

P.S. Happy 200th post to me!

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