Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Zen bathing

I just found the missing 20th washcloth hiding underneath a shelf. I briefly thought about straying from my strict towel-to-washcloth ratio, but decided I didn't want to throw the Earth off its axis. So, the new olive washcloth that doesn't match the rest is going into a drawer, bringing consistency and equilibrium back to my bathing ritual. All is right with the world. Ommmm...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, that is so funny! Tracy won't fold my towels because he was folding them backwards and caught me refolding them =) Seem side in! I have two colors and I have to alternate which color I am using and can't use the same color twice.

Katrina said...

Oops, seam side in, should read before I post.

Amy said...

All is right with the world!

Happy birthday old man!

Brian said...

Katrina, we're kindred spirits. We may need to start a 12-step program though.

Amy, who are you calling old??? I met a woman on the reservation who thought I was 21. I'm sticking with that.

Katrina said...

The 12 steps of proper towel folding?