Sunday, November 1, 2009

Uncle Ben is past his prime

I've eaten more expired food here in Mission over the past year than in my 30 years of living elsewhere combined. And that's okay. It hasn't killed me. But I just returned from the grocery store. I strolled down the rice aisle, looking to diversify my dinners, only to find every package of the brand I wanted had expired in 2008. I guess it will be spaghetti again tonight after all.

This isn't the first time I've encountered this issue at this particular grocery store. This summer, I thought it was odd the Halloween M&Ms were already out. That didn't seem so strange though when I saw the Christmas M&Ms a bit further down the shelf.

The one thing I most definitely won't touch is expired milk, but I've already mentioned that.


Anonymous said...

The milk in the fridge here where I'm staying in Dillingham expired in December 2008. It's the kind of milk that comes in the paper carton, that can sit on a shelf . . . but still, THAT'S EXPIRED!


Brian said...

Yeah, expired milk (whatever the form) is a definite no-no.