Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Halftime report

Nine months into and most likely the midpoint of my time here in Mission, I think it's a good point to ponder the pros and cons of life on the rez. I have a wonderful life here; so, I thought it'd be fun to list those characteristics I find most endearing. I'd be remiss, however, if I left out those items that drive me bat-shit crazy. No place is perfect.

What I love:
  1. My job is at the top of the list, for sure. It has been frustrating at times, especially as of late. But I'm doing some good, meaningful work here. And seeing the housing situations in which our partner families currently reside is more than enough to keep me motivated.
  2. I can throw out every statistic imaginable to describe the economic and social ills of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, yet still realize this is one special place.
  3. The sunsets
  4. There are four real seasons here - and fall is yet to come!
  5. The drivers who wave while I'm out running; I now even have folks driving by in the same direction as I'm running waving as they pass
  6. Tuesday night volleyball at Lakeview
  7. I've been able to run year-round. Turning around at the top of the ridge along the Dump Road before dawn on a cold, winter morning is just awesome.
  8. My farmer's tan
  9. I'm not a proponent of a road out of Juneau; but regaining the spontaneity of hitting the road is refreshing.
  10. Coaching track and cross country
  11. City Council meetings
  12. Watching storm clouds build in an otherwise cloudless sky
  13. KINI
And the things that don't give me a warm, fuzzy feeling:
  1. Civic apathy
  2. I live outside Mission city limits.
  3. Most of the rez dogs are harmless; but there's one in serious need of behavior modification.
  4. Winner, South Dakota, must have the most hairdressers per capita in the United States. But do you think any of them would be open on Saturday?
  5. The Black Hills are three hours away.
  6. My bed
  7. The mice who get into my food
  8. There are few media outlets here. The state's major papers only report bad news from the Rosebud. Locally, news travels primarily by word of mouth, meaning it's not always accurate and often coated in bias. It's hard to keep abreast of what's happening. (Maybe that's the cause of the apathy?)
  9. Practically every time I stop in at the grocery store in town to pick up milk, there are only two gallons of skim from which to choose. And more times than not, they're both expired.
So, much more good than bad. I really can't complain, which is why I haven't.

Coming tomorrow, things I miss about Juneau contrasted with those I really don't.


Unknown said...

Why is it bad to be three hours from the Black Hills? Bad because that is too far, or bad because that is too close?

Brian said...

The Hills are awesome. I wish I was closer for the hiking. A three-hour drive really isn't much around here; but it makes it hard to head out there for a day hike.