Monday, June 8, 2009

Big money in a small, small world

Mission Mayor Tim Grablander made an appearance on this morning's CBS Early Show (video here). He was interviewed about Neal Wanless winning the $232.1 million Powerball jackpot. Not only is Tim the mayor and head of the local electric co-op, but he's also on our Habitat board.

Two things I'll mention about the video: 1. There's a backstory to his answers. 2. Contrary to Tim's appearance, bolo ties are not a common sight 'round these parts.

Not that I know Neal or any member of the Wanless family, but it's kind of fun being so close to this story. The media's portrayal of the family as down-on-their-luck ranchers scraping to get by is accurate as far as I can tell. Then again, that describes many folks in this area. Having such a large amount of money practically fall out the sky into one of the poorest counties in America is amazing, even if it's technically controlled by one man.


Amy said...

I kind of wonder what kind of pressure he will face from his family and community. They mention the taxes as if he will be paying them off. I am guessing the taxes are his parents responsibility, not his. I wish him the best and hope he is able to not squander the money.

ok. I've been patient enough what's the story?

Brian said...

It's boring, small-town stuff that only I find interesting.

Amy said...

I doubt only you would find it interesting. What I don't doubt is that it would take so much explaining that it would ruin any story.

Brian said...

Hey! Only I can make disparaging remarks about my verbosity.

Amy said...

I would never! ;)