Friday, November 28, 2008

Read all about it

Since leaving Juneau back on the 11th, I've felt completely out of touch with what's been going on in the world. It's hard here in Mission too because the local paper, the Todd County Tribune, isn't online. The Tribune is published weekly every Wednesday. My subscription should begin next week, but I did pick up a copy at the grocery store this evening. I feel more informed already. Several items of local interest:
  • There were three lockdowns at the high school last week.
  • The new tribally run grocery store, Turtle Creek Crossing, is scheduled to open in December.
  • There doesn't seem to be a word limit for letters to the editor. Plus, there's a lot of ranting going on. But it's hard to decipher why most of the writers are complaining because they assume readers already know what they're talking about. I'm going to have to keep my copies of the paper so I can refer back to them.
  • An arts and crafts market will be at Sinte Gleska, the local college, next Saturday. I'm hoping there will be fry bread.

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