Saturday, November 15, 2008

Revelation and anticipation

On the road today, I stopped for lunch in Big Timber, Montana. An interesting name for a town considering the lack of trees. But it was a town with many positive qualities. It got me to thinking about how it would be neat to live in such a small place in the middle of nowhere someday. It wasn't until later back in the car that it hit me: "Duh Bri. Where the hell do you think you're moving?"

Tonight, after 650 miles of driving, I'm in Wall, South Dakota. More importantly, I'm a mere two hours from Mission. Over the past four months, I've only been able to make an educated guess as to what life will be like for me there. I have a bit of nervous excitement this evening, knowing that tomorrow I'll finally arrive. Well, after a quick stop at the Wall Drug first, of course.

P.S. The animals were out in full force again after sunset: more deer in the road with a couple more off to the shoulder, a rabbit, and some sort of varmint whose eyes blazed in my car's headlights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Click the link to Wall Drug & read their history. The founder's statement at the end of the article is just as pertinent today...

"No matter where you live, you can succeed, because wherever you are, you can reach out to other people with something that they need!"
