Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy new year!

I knew 2008 was going to be a big year. I would be turning 30. I'd vest with the State of Alaska, both a milestone and an opportunity. And I was just generally optimistic. This year is a bit different though. It's more a year of settling in as opposed to one of change. The optimism is still there though.

Somehow, in my advanced age, I've become this idealistic, glass-is-half-full person the Brian of 10 years ago would not recognize. It's not that I was doom and gloom before. I think it has more to do with obstacles I've overcome over the past several years. Challenges present themselves now with only a shrug of my shoulders. It's been worse. Life will go on, because it always does.

So, how do I foresee 2009 turning out? Taking advantage of my time on the reservation. Making as much of an impact as a VISTA as possible. Maintaining relationships separated by distance, while forging new ones locally. Training for and feeling good after the marathon. Breaking even financially. And remaining optimistic.

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