Monday, December 15, 2008

Chilly, inside and out

The chill in the building began yesterday morning. I had chalked it up to the property being old and drafty. Well, come to find out we're out of propane. The thermometer inside is currently at 40 degrees (it's 10 below outside). Luckily, I had a space heater to keep me warm last night. That, and the multiple layers of clothing and blankets. My room is a small cocoon of warmth in an otherwise frosty building.

Sandy told me this morning he felt bad I had to live in such circumstances after moving from "someplace nice." But I'm a trooper. I came here expecting an adventure and I think I'm getting it, in spades. Plus, we'll have propane (and presumably heat) again in a few hours. Now, if only I could keep my hands warm in the meantime...

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