Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where I run

My favorite running route so far here in Mission is the dirt road that runs north from the four-way stop. Starting at home, running to the T junction and back is 12 miles.

Here's the view at the top of the rise looking south back toward town:

And here's the vantage to the north. It's another 2.5 miles to the T:

And I was worried there wouldn't be any hills here! When I'm out running, I typically encounter only a vehicle or two. It really is a desolate feeling out there. And I absolutely love it. Just me, the wind, and the sound of my shoes crunching on the gravel.

***For Amy (and Molly): People just call it the Dump Road. I've never seen a dump out there, so I just asked Sandy about its whereabouts. He said when he was a kid, the dump was out this road, but it hasn't been there for some time. But people still call it the Dump Road.***


Amy said...

Molly would like to know the name of the road in Mission, South Dakota. I would like to know how you find that refreshing. I actually get McGrath flashbacks when I read your blog.

Brian said...

Amy - Update provided. And I guess I'll have to consider McGrath if I ever want to move back to Alaska. But it is nice being on the road system again.

Amy said...

Heh, there is a dump raod in McGrath too. It actually has the dump on it too.

I can totally imagine being on the road system. That's what keeps me hanging in there for Tallahassee. My imagined conversation goes something like, "Let's go on a trip this weekend. We haven't been to Sopchoppy yet." (insert any other unvisited town here) The only thing that will hold us back is the kids, but we would have them no matter what, so we will be ok. ;)