Monday, December 29, 2008

Getting in the holiday spirit... for once

After work on Christmas Eve, I made the 100-mile drive drive up to Pierre to catch a flight Christmas morning. Since I drive faster than I had remembered, I had more time to spend in Pierre than I had planned. Since I just love my government buildings, I walked over to the state capitol for a visit, where Christmas at the Capitol was in its final days. Organizations throughout the state sponsored and decorated trees, which were on display under the dome and along the main halls.

Now, I'm no fan of Christmas, but I have to say I really got into the spirit walking throughout the building. The smell of the trees (real trees, the only way to go) was evident upon entering. My favorite tree was decorated by the Oahe Episcopal Women, which was adorned with knitted caps for babies (representing warm babies' heads in Africa, I think). But the whole scene - the trees, the smell, the lights, the music, and the relative lack of crowds - really gave me a good feeling.

It didn't hurt matters either that all of this was in the capitol. There's just something about walking around the halls of government, footsteps echoing, I find enchanting. After looking at the trees, I made a visit to the House and Senate chambers, followed by more exploring. I'm hoping to make a return visit to see the Legislature in action. The session here is shorter than in Alaska; it is not to exceed 40 legislative days.

After my fun evening, I went back out into the windless cold and walked back to Chez Super 8 along the snowy sidewalks. Is it possible to label an evening's events as romantic if one is alone?

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