Monday, March 2, 2009

The adventure continues

Last night, as I lay in bed waiting for my Tylenol PM to kick in, I heard what sounded like a bug flying into the window blinds. I tried to ignore it, but it was persistent enough to keep my attention. Listening more intently, I noticed it actually sounded more like scratching. Once again though, I tried to shut out the noise and fall asleep.

Then, I heard a squeak.

That got my ass out of bed. I turned on the light and began to search. My room is small and I had the door closed, so it didn't take long to find the critter. It was a tiny mouse. I opened the door and setup a blockade to shoo it out of the room; however, I wasn't quick enough and it went in the opposite direction. I was tired, so I left the door cracked and figured it would find its way out eventually. I just hoped I wouldn't awake to something crawling on me inside my bed sheets.

This isn't the first mouse I've seen in the building lately. There was one down in the kitchen (probably shitting in my food and on my dishes), plus another one around the offices. And there was a day several weeks ago when LaCosta and I heard scampering inside the wall that separates our two offices.

Seeing the mice isn't so bad; it would be nice though if they kept down the racket while I was trying to sleep. It's the thought of mice touching any part of me that makes me want to jump out of my skin. I'm not sure if the mice sightings will increase or decrease as the weather warms up. I'm thinking the latter; they're probably just looking for someplace warm to escape the below-zero temperatures.

But then, what about summer? What creatures should I expect to find hiding in the building? I know there are snakes around these parts. (Hey, maybe that's what happens to the mice!) I'll have to be on snake patrol each time I use the toilet, I guess.


On another note, I heard a Lakota version of "The Wheels on the Bus" today on local radio. Very cool.

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