Sunday, March 22, 2009

The land of infinite variety

If you like to peruse websites from chambers of commerce across the country like I do, you'll notice a common description of the local climate, no matter the location: If you don't like the weather now, just wait five minutes and it will change. Usually, this is just mere hyperbole; however, nowhere does the saying come closest to ringing true than here in the Dakotas.

Yesterday, it was in the 70s and I was out running without a shirt on. (I'm determined to not have a farmer's tan this summer. I'm losing the battle thus far.) And it's beautiful again today, albeit a tad breezy. But there's a blizzard warning in effect starting at noon tomorrow for the western third of the state, plus portions of Wyoming and Nebraska.

The weather has been up and down like this since the last week of February. And I'm not complaining. One of the two key reasons why I've found my first South Dakota to be so palatable is the relatively quick fluctuations in the weather. Below zero temperatures, howling winds, or wind chills of 45 below (or all three simultaneously) are not only tolerable but kind of exciting because I know just around the corner there'll be respite from the bitter cold.

And the other reason why I've enjoyed my first South Dakota winter? You guessed it: Sun!

In fact, I think I'll grab my book and soak in some of the fleeting rays.

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