Sunday, March 15, 2009

News and notes from Sioux Falls

My first race in South Dakota was yesterday afternoon, a three-miler up in Presho. I finished in just a hair over 20 minutes. That means my 5K pace still isn't all that different from my 10K pace. However, out of about 140 runners, I think I came in 8th or 9th. Not bad considering I detest, and try to avoid, short races. But I didn't feel sick afterward, surprising because I really pushed myself hard, especially the last half of a mile as I tried to hold off a guy behind me. (I beat him.)

It felt super to race again, my first competitive action since September. Racing in such a dry climate is going to be an ongoing adjustment, however. My throat was pretty dry and a bit sore when I finished. At least the longer races I'll be running will have aid stations throughout. I'll just have to be sure to take in more fluids than I ever did in Juneau.

So, no complaints about the race. Okay, maybe just one: I have absolutely no problem with kids and runners of all abilities participating in races. Actually, it's awesome to see such a diverse group of folks run. But if you don't know how to pace yourself, or if you're 8 years old, please don't start at the front of the pack. If there's one thing that drives me nuts at some of these races is the folks who have no business being up front at the start, causing congestion and frustration until the field works itself into position.


I had my hair cut yesterday afternoon upon arriving in Sioux Falls. I subsequently received the best shampooing of my life. My scalp had never been massaged like that before. It was borderline sexual harassment. Not that I'm complaining...


The next stop was Home Depot. At home in Mission, getting in and out of bed, among other usually mundane aspects of life, is always an adventure. My twin bed is supported by a regular frame, but there aren't any metal pieces running widthwise to help hold up the mattress. In their place are 2x4s, which support my weight well, except for the fact they all aren't long enough. Sometimes, when I hop into and out of bed, one (or more) of the 2x4s will slip off the frame, causing the mattress to cave in with a loud "Whomph!" sound. It's kind of entertaining, but begins to get old at 3:00 a.m.

Anyway, I picked up some 2x6s yesterday long enough to comfortably reach both sides of the frame. Plus, the added size will put my mind at ease when I do my backflips off the bed.


I stayed at the Motel 6 last night, my usual stomping grounds here in Sioux Falls. One of the washcloths had brown streaks on it. Lovely.


Last night, a couple of the local VISTAs, a new friend, and I went out on the town. We went to several bars, the last of which was a gay bar called Club David. Some things you should know:
  1. There are real-life, flesh and blood gay folks in South Dakota. (Okay, that's one thing I was pleased to learn.)
  2. I briefly danced. (It was with a woman, so don't get all excited.) I couldn't pass up the opportunity. God, how I love Flo Rida. Boots with the fur, baby!
  3. I can't dance for shit.
  4. Yes Virginia, there are drag queens in Sioux Falls. Big, husky drag queens. I wouldn't want to be left alone in a dark alley with the ladies I saw last night.
Overall, it was a fun night. As what usually happens when I'm out late at a bar (which is rare in itself), it was fun up to a point, but then I just wanted to go home. I was out maybe an hour too long last night. I wasn't in bed until after 2 - very unlike me. I'm such the party animal, let me tell ya.


I was up bright and early, though, at 8 to go for a run. The folks I encountered while out on the bike path weren't too friendly. I guess I've lived in smaller towns for too long, because I'm used to greeting pedestrians coming from the opposite direction. I'll either say hello, smile, wave, or just nod, especially to fellow runners. This one woman walking her dogs, in particular, didn't even want to make eye contact with me. A "Good morning" from me did elicit a split-second glance, which seemed painful enough for her. I wasn't expecting a hug and kiss, but come on lady. Is it really so hard to be friendly?


By my standards, I have spent an obscene amount of money this weekend. I seem to forget how much my stipend is. (Side note: I'm in the black so far, as I had hoped, since starting with Habitat. I really am quite adaptable when it comes to finances. You'd think I was raised during the Depression.)

Today's big purchase was sunglasses for when I run. Now that I'm out of the rain forest, having them on while I'm out running is going to be beneficial, if not mandatory. Even this winter, fresh snow and bright sunshine made me wish more than once that I had a pair. I'm just not used to seeing that brilliant orb of light in the sky so often.

Anyway, I bought Oakleys. I even shopped around, which is very unlike me. When I need something, I usually just buy it without comparing prices. Not today. I've gotta say though, these glasses look sharp, and they work really well. (I wore them all day.) But holy smokes, talk about pricey. If you ever see me obsessing about my new glasses, you'll know why. I'll make these bad boys last until I join AARP.


I stopped at Wal-Mart to get some film developed and to stock up on groceries. The bill was slightly higher than the sunglasses. That oddly made me feel better about splurging on them. Go figure.


I'm here in Sioux Falls for training tomorrow and Tuesday, the whole reason why I'm in town to begin with. I'm staying at the Holiday Inn in downtown Sioux Falls. It's no Motel 6, but I'm coping.


Sioux Falls reminds me of Anchorage more each time I visit. Yes, there are no mountains here, but the two cities are laid out in a similar manner. I will say Sioux Falls doesn't seem to dominate the state of South Dakota as Anchorage does in many ways up in Alaska. Mainly, it's because the Sioux Falls metropolitan area doesn't possess as high a percentage of the state's residents.

That being said, I wonder if that'll change in the future as rural South Dakota continues to empty, while the areas in and around both Sioux Falls and Rapid City continue to grow. Lincoln County, home to a portion of the Sioux Falls city limits, is one of the fastest growing counties in the country.


The recession doesn't seem to be as strong here in South Dakota compared to the reports I've read from other states. Unemployment is up statewide though and major layoff events have been announced in recent months in both Sioux Falls and in Rapid. But you wouldn't know there was an economic crisis by what I encountered this weekend: traffic galore, busy stores, and folks eating out.


Okay, time for me to hit the sack. The alarm is set for 5:30, as I plan to hit the mean streets of Sioux Falls for a run tomorrow morning. Have headlamp, will travel.


Anonymous said...

Good morning! Sounds like you are having an interesting time =) I know you have a birthday coming up soon, any wild and crazy plans?

Anonymous said...

Nice race (and very fun post). And don't be too hard on the little runners; the really tough, talented ones won't slow down (think Riley Moser).

Pacing and youth are like oil and vinegar.

Still a lot of snow here. The St. Patrick's Day 5 mile that was scheduled for Saturday was canceled because of ice and puddles.

Brian said...

Katrina, no big birthday plans this year, especially compared to turning 30. I'll be up in Aberdeen for work on my big day this year.

Dan, I really do think it's fun to see all of the little kids sprint at the start, only to fade soon after. It's just more fun when they have a separate race for the rugrats.

Sorry to hear about the snow. It was in the 60s here in Sioux Falls today. I was in shorts and a t-shirt for my run. Everyone and their mother was out on the bike path enjoying the sunshine. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, I will still be thinking of you on your birthday =)