Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Well, that never happened in Juneau

Yesterday's blizzard is now a memory. It was sunny and close to 50 degrees today. Except for the drifts, the snow melted rapidly today, which meant mud and huge puddles. Nothing my Xtratufs couldn't handle, of course.

Like most days, I walked into town during lunch to check my mail. I was walking on the sidewalk going with traffic when I heard a vehicle approaching from behind. The road was especially wet in this area, so I started thinking to myself, "Here we go. I'm going to get splattered." But it sounded like the vehicle was slowing down. I turned around then, and this red SUV with a plow hooked to its front end had indeed slowed and made a concerted effort to avoid sending slush in my direction. Now there's courtesy for ya!

I made it to the post office, checked my mail, and headed back. As I passed the high school and teacher housing, the red SUV passed by me again, this time coming to a stop. The driver rolled down his window and asked, "I didn't get you wet, did I?" I had to ask him to repeat himself, because there was no way he had just asked what I thought I had heard. When he did, I thanked him for the consideration and told him, no, I was perfectly dry.

I walked to work most days during five sloppy Juneau winters. Traipsing along Egan Drive's unplowed sidewalks was always a treat; the bonus was when a car or snowplow would zoom by and spray me. So, thank you to the driver of the red SUV for doing the unexpected - twice! You made my day.


Amy said...

Yay! That is nice. I was worried that moving out of Alaska people would not be as nice or considerate, but honestly, people are nicer here than in Alaska. It sounds like it's the same for you.

Brian said...

For me, it was a matter of whether or not I'd be welcomed here. It definitely helps that I actually love living on the rez, which has to be obvious when people are introduced to me. It's not a positive first impression for a local when meeting a newcomer who doesn't want to be there.

I would probably have your concern if I was to ever move back to an urban area again.

Amy said...

You mean when you move to an urban area again, right? not "if"... right? Aren't the places your considering for school urban? At least a little?

Brian said...

True, the places I'm looking at for grad school are in more-populated areas. But they're still in small towns. USD, for example, is in Vermillion, which has just over 10,000 people. The county has about 13,600. So, it's bigger than Mission for sure, and closer to larger cities. But definitely not a metropolis.